Thursday, October 29, 2009

fall perspectives

While at a client's historic home in northern Chester County I snapped a few photos of lichen, moss, and our great native vine Virginia creeper (parthenocissus quinquefolia) living happily together on a stone wall. Mother Nature is truly the ultimate landscape designer.

Same property, a burning bush (semi-invasive) and weeping Japanese maple play off each others colors.

 Lastly on my commute I noticed two glorious ginkgo trees (ginkgo biloba) with a neighboring red oak (Quercus rubra). I had to pull over and take a photo, which unfortunately does not do them justice.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Enjoy the fall display... and plan now for spring color!

It's been a great display of fall color this year. One of the best I can recall. Each day brings new color combinations in the landscape. To replicate these colors in your gardens and landscape you have to plan ahead, in the spring and summer months. The same can be said for spring bulbs. You have to plan ahead. Now is the time to plan for spring color. Those harbingers of spring color, daffodils, crocus, scilla, tulips, etc. have to be planted now. Garden centers, mail order catalogs, even big box stores have numerous varieties and colors to personalize your own garden. Bulbs are inexpensive, only have to be planted once and return year after year. Talk about low maintenance.
Most bulbs are grown overseas in Europe and shipped over to the U.S. The one exception is Brent and Becky's out of Gloucester County, VA. I met Brent Heath two years ago at the annual APLD (Association of Professional Landscape Designers) convention. I was impressed with his passion and knowledge, I guess that comes from 30 years of bulb growing. W.D. Wells has ordered from them for years and have never been let down on service, quality or results. Take a minute and plan for spring, I know I am even as the leaves just begin to fall.

If you have deer in your area the safest bet are daffodils (narcissus). Other least preferred include Scilla siberica (scilla), crocus (although rabbits like them), Winter aconite (Eranthis cilicica), Grape Hyacinth (Muscari), Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis), Alliums, and Glory-of- the-snow (Chionodoxa forbesii). If you want to feed the deer plant tulips!
photo from Brent & Becky's bulbs website; Narcissus 'Carlton'